We are delighted to share that we are certified with the ISO 9001 standard for the fifth time running.
In Quintas, we demonstrate our commitment to quality assurance through accreditation. It's ok that our clients trust us but we want to give them the chance to verify it objectively through external audits of how we do things. Our ISO 9001 auditors are pleased to say that they can test and demonstrate that we have robust systems connected to our Ariadne reporting platform that support excellent management of processes and risk controls. The auditors commented very favourably on Quintas's controls over both internal and external processes.In 2018, Quintas changed the way it provides its services from a departmental structure to a process-driven one which is a specific requirement of the ISO 9001 certification. Our process-based service approach is now fully embedded within the culture of our organisation.
What does it mean to be ISO 9001 certified?
The ISO 9001 standard sets out the criteria for a quality management system (QMS). When an organisation achieves this accreditation, it denotes that they have met the required standards of a QMS. For Quintas, this sets the standard for several management principles including a strong customer focus, leadership, governance, evidence-based decision making, and continuous improvement. With yearly audits and a recertification process undertaken every three years, we have held ISO 9001 certification for consultancy and management of solar investments since 2010.
By having such rigorous audits on all our quality management processes, we can offer the market real quality in every aspect of the company's services. Our Group General Counsel, Julia Obermöller, explained: “The ISO 9001 certificate is not just a piece of paper to decorate our wall. We truly believe in the principles that ISO 9001 represents. Nobody does everything right all the time, but trying to be better every day, and doing so by listening to our clients - that is an objective in itself.”
Quality assurance is at the heart of all we do. Alongside the ISO 9001, Quintas holds the ISO 55001 certification for Asset Management and is in the process of achieving ISO 27000 certification for information security standards. You can read more about our commitment to quality in our Quality Policy.