A new configuration for solar PV strings boosts energy output and increases revenue for investors.
Solar power plants are a clean and sustainable way of generating electricity from the sun's energy. However, as time passes, your solar array may require maintenance, repair, and even replacement to maintain optimal energy output. One of the primary components of a solar plant is its electrical wiring system, which, if outdated, can affect the overall performance of the installation.
Revamping and restringing a solar plant are two crucial maintenance measures that can significantly increase overall plant efficiency.
When it comes to string configuration alterations, two distinct configurations can impact the overall performance of a PV site, a linear or U-shaped electrical string configuration. A linear string configuration refers to a wiring system where each module is electrically connected to the adjacent one mounted within the same row. The linear system can effectively generate energy under partial shading conditions. A U-shaped configuration, on the other hand, refers to modules in each string distributed on two (or more) parallel lines within the same PV array. U-shaped electrical wiring configurations are known to cause electrical losses when impacted by shading, which will reduce overall energy output if this situation occurs. When shading is the primary cause of site underperformance, an electrical configuration change can effectively boost energy production.
Image 1: U-shape (up) vs linear (down) string configuration.
Restringing: a case study
Restringing is a process that involves replacing damaged, faulty, or inefficient solar panel strings in the solar plant. A solar panel string is a series of solar PV modules connected in series to form a single unit. When a PV module is damaged or not functioning correctly, it can reduce the overall output of the string. Restringing involves either removing the faulty PV module and replacing them with new ones to restore the string's efficiency or changing the connection layout for the PV modules.
A recent revamping project from Quintas Advisory working with Octopus Renewables involved assessing the electrical string configuration of PV arrays for 133 sites in their UK portfolio.
Our team of experts recommended restringing works for two solar installations within the portfolio to modify their wiring systems from a U-shape to a linear electrical configuration to boost performance and income for Octopus. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the financial feasibility of restringing, we concluded a 28.2% internal rate of return (IRR), demonstrating clear benefits of actioning the project.
Collaborating with the portfolio's O&M operator, RES, our team project managed the restringing process to convert the original string configuration to a linear layout to reduce electrical losses due to shading. As a result of the successful restringing process, the portfolio performance ratio (PR) will increase by up to 5%.
The benefits of specialist solar PV revamping services
As clean energy technology advances, solar PV plant owners must consider upgrading their systems to improve performance and extend the life of their investment. Our specialist solar PV revamping services provide tailored solutions to address the unique needs of each plant, ensuring that the system continues to generate maximum energy output.
Strategic revamping for optimal energy generation
To effectively establish a revamping strategy for your portfolio, our team of experts will conduct a 360º analysis to define the technical parameters of the project. We will analyse historical performance, complete any necessary onsite inspections, and provide a comprehensive technical, planning, and financial assessment.
By investing in dedicated revamping solutions for your existing solar project, we can help you improve efficiency, performance, and installation safety, which can translate to increased energy production and financial returns. Revamping can help reduce maintenance costs and improve the reliability of your portfolio, leading to an extension of the lifespan of your solar portfolio.
Restringing and overall revamping are essential maintenance measures, which, if carried out regularly, will ensure your portfolio can operate efficiently. With the correct revamping maintenance strategy, solar power plants can continue generating clean and sustainable energy for many years to come.
If you are a solar PV plant owner looking to maximise the efficiency and performance of your installation, consider revamping your system with Quintas Advisory's specialist services for solar PV. We provide tailored solutions dedicated to your needs to ensure your portfolio can continue performing optimally. Don't let outdated electrical wiring systems affect the overall performance of your installation.
Contact us today to discuss how our team of experts can help you improve efficiency, performance, and installation safety with our dedicated revamping solutions.